Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure

Draft document: Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure
Submitted by Kenzo Fujimoto, Nuclear Reulation Authority
Commenting as an individual

Ambient is the important operational quantity with air kerma (air absorbed dose) for the environmental monitoring in normal situation as well as emergency situation. Even the OILs (operational intervention levels) in the IAEA are defined in the quantity of ambient dose. The definition change of ambient dose might have large effects on the calibration of environmental monitoring instruments. Therefore, the intention of definition change of ambient dose and the effect on the calibration of environmental monitoring instruments especially in the photon energy range encountered in the environmental monitoring during normal as well as emergency situations should be clearly mentioned.

Specific comments:

Units shown in some of the tables and figures in Appendix A are wrong. Please check and correct them taking into account the following suggestions.

(pSvcm2) found in Table A.1.1a and other Tables should be changed to (p-1Svcm2).

pSvcm2 found in Figure A.1.1a and other Figures should be changed to (p-1Svcm2).

Sv/Gy-1 found ifn Figure A.1.1b and other Figures should be changed to (SvGy-1) as found in Table A.1.1b.

hEmax found in Figure A.1.1a and other Figures should be changed to h*Emax.
