Committee 1
Radiation Effects

Under Main Commission

Committee 1 considers the effects of radiation action from the subcellular to population and ecosystem levels, including the induction of cancer, hereditary, and other diseases, impairment of tissue/organ function and developmental defects, and assesses implications for protection of people and the environment.

Back Row (L-R): Kotaro Ozasa (Japan), Manoor Prakash Hande (Singapore), Yoshiya Shimada (Japan), Ludovic Vaillant (France), Elizabeth Ainsbury (Secretary, UK)

Front Row (L-R): Richard Wakeford (United Kingdom), Gayle Woloschak (Vice-Chair, United States), Christophe Badie (UK), Dominique Laurier (Chair, France), Luana Hafner (Intern, Switzerland)

NOT PICTURED: Dimitry Bazyka (Ukraine), Christelle Adam-Guillermin (France), Tamara Azizova (Russian Federation), Agnès Francois (France), Preetha Rajaraman (USA), David Richardson (USA), Mikhail Sokolnikov (Russian Federation) Quanfu Sun (China)

Summaries of Committee 1 Meetings:

Dominique Laurier (Chair), French Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection (ASNR), France
Gayle Woloschak (Vice-Chair), Northwestern University, USA
Elizabeth Ainsbury (Secretary), UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom
Dimitry Bazyka (Member), National Research Centre for Radiation Medicine, Director general, Ukraine
Christelle Adam-Guillermin (Member), IRSN, France
Tamara Azizova (Member), Southern Urals Biophysics Institute, Russian Federation
Christophe Badie (Member), UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom
Markus Eidemüller (Member), Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) , Germany
Agnes Francois (Member), Autorite de Surete Nucleaire et de Radioprotection, France
Manoor Prakash Hande (Member), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Kotaro Ozasa (Member), Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan
Preetha Rajaraman (Member), Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Japan
David Richardson (Member), University of California, Irvine, USA
Yoshiya Shimada (Member), Institute for Environmental Sciences, Japan
Mikhail Sokolnikov (Member), Southern Ural Biophysics Institute, Russian Federation
Quanfu Sun (Member), National Institute for Radiological Protection, China
Ludovic Vaillant (Member), CEPN, France
Richard Wakeford (Member), The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Tiberio Cabianca (Representative), United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), Austria
Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac (Representative), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria
Zhanat Kenbayeva (Representative), World Health Organisation (WHO), Switzerland
Evgenia Ostroumova (Representative), International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), France
Andrzej Wojcik (Representative), Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative (MELODI), Sweden

Groups under Committee 1

Task Group 91
Radiation Risk Inference at Low-dose and Low-dose Rate Exposure for Radiological Protection Purposes
Task Group 99
Reference Animal and Plant (RAP) Monographs
Task Group 111
Factors Governing the Individual Response of Humans to Ionising Radiation
Task Group 115
Risk and Dose Assessment for Radiological Protection of Astronauts
Task Group 118
Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE), Quality Factor (Q), and Radiation Weighting Factor (wR)
Task Group 119
Effects of Ionising Radiation on Diseases of the Circulatory System and their Consideration in the System of Radiological Protection
Task Group 121
Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure in Offspring and Next Generations
Task Group 122
Update of Detriment Calculation for Cancer
Task Group 123
Classification of Harmful Radiation-induced Effects on Human Health for Radiological Protection Purposes
Task Group 128
Individualisation and Stratification in Radiological Protection: Implications and Areas of Application