ICRP established the Bo Lindell Medal for the Promotion of Radiological Protection in 2017. It honours the memory and dedication of Bo Lindell, ICRP Scientific Secretary 1957-1962, and Main Commission member 1963-1985, serving as Chairman 1977-1985. Bo made many important contributions to radiological protection, including playing a central role in the development of the 1977 Recommendations of ICRP (ICRP Publication 26), the core of which is the foundation of radiological protection today.
The Bo Lindell Medal is given to an early- to mid-career individual making a significant contribution to the promotion of radiological protection. It is normally conferred once every two years on the occasion of ICRP's biennial symposia on the System of Radiological Protection. However, the first medal was awarded in 2018, ICRP's 90th anniversary year, in Stockholm, the home of Bo Lindell.
Established by former ICRP Chair Dr Claire Cousins on her retirement from ICRP, this award recognises the best presentation by a young scientist or professional at an ICRP International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection. Eligibility is restricted to those within 5 years of having been awarded a postgraduate degree.
Finalists have an opportunity to make a live, in-person presentation at an ICRP International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection. A panel of international experts will select the awardee based on the quality of their work and its presentation at the Symposium.
The first award was conferred at ICRP 2021+1, the Sixth International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection, in Vanouver, Canada, 7-10 November 2022.
The ICRP Madan Rehani Award recognises exceptional contributions to radiological protection. It is awarded to the Chair or Co-Chairs of an ICRP Task Group who has/have made an outstanding contribution to the timely development of an ICRP Publication with a significant impact on radiological protection. A medal and a certificate are conferred on the occasion of each biennial ICRP Symposium. The awardee(s) is/are invited to deliver a special online Madan Rehani Award Lecture about the work of the Task Group.
Eligible candidates are Chairs and Co-Chairs of ICRP Task Groups that have issued a publication in Annals of the ICRP within 5 years of the date on which the award is to be conferred. Nominations may be made by any member of the ICRP Main Commission at least nine months in advance of the date on which the award is planned to be conferred. Nominations may be of a single Task Group Chair or two Co-Chairs of a single Task Group if they are not members of the same ICRP Committee. Awardee(s) are be selected by secret ballot of the Main Commission.
The Gold Medal for Radiation Protection is awarded once every four years by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. ICRP is the sole nominating body for this award which is given to a person who has made a highly valuable contribution to international radiation protection work during the preceding 10-year period.
The medal is presented at each International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) by its President, after a short address by the ICRP Chair or a representative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.