ICRP Funding

As an independent registered charity, ICRP relies on voluntary contributions from a variety of organisations with an interest in radiological protection, in addition to royalties from the sales of its publications, to fund its on-going work.

To ensure ICRP maintains independence from undue influence, these voluntary contributions are received with the explicit understanding that they cannot influence the development of the ICRP programme of work or the selection of ICRP members. In addition, ICRP has a policy of transparency with respect to its finances.

Based on regular income over a 5-year period (2016-2020), 79% of incoming resources come from voluntary contributions and 21% from royalties on the sales of publications. Breakdowns of the voluntary contributions by geography and type of organisation are shown in the figures below.

Sources of ICRP Voluntary Contributions by Organisation Type and Geographical Region


Organisation Type, click to enlarge          Geographical Region, click to enlarge

Summaries of ICRP finances can be found in ICRP annual reports. As ICRP is registered with the UK Charity Commission, detailed annual financial reports are a matter of public record and can be obtained directly from the UK Charity Commission.

ICRP members are international experts who volunteer their time and therefore are not paid by ICRP. Resources are spent on meeting and publication expenses, and to operate a Scientific Secretariat which includes five full-time paid employees.