Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident

Draft document: Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident
Submitted by Jim Lykins, none
Commenting as an individual

Get real, please!

In the event of a "Large Nuclear Accident" it is too damned late!  You talk about "recovery" as if it is anything rwmotely within the lifetimes of anyone that would currently be alive.  How incredibly disingenuous of the industry authors of this "document".  Shame on you.  There is no "recovery" or use of such a site in the forseeable future.  You know this!

There is no safe level of nuclear radiation for human beings.  The effects from a major incident can last for generations, and not for the better.  You know this!

Nuclear is a deadly and dying industry.  It has no place in our future, and producing self-serving documents like this does not and will not make the nuclear power industry respectable or acceptable.

Allow me to provide a shorter document:   "Get people away!  Keep them away!  Stop the radiation!  Make sure it can't release radiation any more!"

Now go stop the disaster of Fukushima!
