First, congratulations for the high quality of the content, and also for the written text that makes easy to read and to understand the content. My comments and suggestions are presented as follows:
- The units of all the quantities defined in the glossary (Terms for General Dosimetry and radiological Protection) should be specified (some of them are missing).
- Dose Per Unit Content (DPUC): the meaning of m(t) as bioassay (retention/excretion) function is missing. I think it is a wrong indication on z(t) as bioassay function.
- Minimum Detectable Amount (MDA) versus Detection Limit. ISO 28218 (2010) Standard "Performance Criteria for Radiobioassay" was developed by ISO WG13 dealing with internal dosimetry issues, following ISO 11929 (2010) Standard "Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits of the confidence interval) for measurements of ionizing radiation -- Fundamentals and application". In particular, the concept of MDA has been abandoned in favor of Detection Limit.
- Perhaps the concept of "Scattering Factor" defined in IDEAS Guidelines and ISO 27048 (2011) Standard "Dose assessment for the monitoring of workers for internal radiation exposures" could be included in the glossary and also in the text concerning the assessment of uncertainties in dose assessments (pages 124-125)
4.3.- Analysis of Excreta...
(256) Faecal samples - special monitoring: no indication is mentioned about the general procedure of collecting faecal samples of the 3 first days after the incident, and to consider the 3-days excretion for dose assessment.
5.3.1. Routine Monitoring
(288) line 3893: the term "minimum detectable amount" is used instead of "detection limit"
5.6 Quality Management System
I highly recommend to mention the ISO 28218 (2010) Standard "Performance criteria for radiobiossay" as a reference document where requirements are established in what concerns quality assurance and quality control for radiobioassay (in-vivo and in-vitro) laboratories.
6.3.1. Time and pattern of intake
(318) line 4167 "when a positive measurement appears from a routine bioassay programme, the review..." (to eliminate "a").
line 4171 "... for those individual workers will help to determine..."
6.4.5 Influence of decorporation therapy
perhaps the CONRAD approach to DTPA therapy modeling could be mentioned as a research action under development in the EURADOS WG7 work frame (Breustedt et al. in the literature)
6.5. Uncertainties in Internal dose Assessments Based on Bioassay.
6.5.1 Uncertainties in Measurements
The concept of "Scattering Factor" defined in IDEAS Guidelines and ISO 27048 (2011) Standard "Dose assessment for the monitoring of workers for internal radiation exposures" could be included here.
Line 5453 Lopez M.A., Balashazy I., Berard P. et al