Education and Training

Draft document: Education and Training
Submitted by Tor Wøhni, Norwegian radiation protection authority
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

General. Being a regulatory body, the NRPA find this publication very useful, and we think it will serve as a basis for future regulatory requirements concerning education and training for health care staff. We are pleased to note that education and training needs for prescribers are addressed, and likewise for interventional cardiologists. The role of the regulatory and health authorities in establishing and supporting training programs is thoroughly discussed, and useful guidance regarding the roles of the authorities as compared to the universities and scientific societies are given. Line 162. The word ”accepted” can be misunderstood to the effect that deficient education and training is acceptable. Line 791. It seems strange that categories 8 & 9 are specifically mentioned as requiring a formal examination system, as these categories are subjected to large differences in training requirements. Should it be categories 9 and 10 ? Chap. 4.2 Delivery of Training. The topic is important , and many interesting points are made. However, lines 877-882 seem to express a subjective opinion and should be given a more formal or objective form.
