I have a comment regarding a draft of SAF.
Page 24, Lines 706 to 709,
To evaluate SAFs, transport simulations wee performed over the energy range of 10 keV to 10 MeV. Evaluation of SAFs were based on the extrapolation for below 10 keV. In previous publications, SAFs over the energy range of 10 keV to 10 MeV were used for calculation of dose coefficients for internal dose assessment.
The lowest energy is set at 10keV for plotting SAF in Figure 4. In the next publication for SAF, is extrapolation made for all combinations of sources and targets? If SAFs below 10 keV are used for new dose coefficients in a future ICRP publication, the necessity should be described in this publication.
Page 31 to 38, Paragraph 32-45 (Section 3.3)
Section 3.3 describes about source sampling algorithms.
Can these algorithms be commonly applied to various simulation codes? If specific conditions (e.g. original sampling programs developed by ICRP, simulation codes) are needed for source sampling, more detail information should be given in the publication for SAFs.