Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident

Draft document: Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident
Submitted by 中村泰子 Nakamura Yasuko, None
Commenting as an individual









For whom is it optimized?
A large nuclear accident cannot be justified in the first place.

Large nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl and Fukushima caused enormous damage to the public and the environment. It should never happen again, but as long as nuclear power plants are used, the possibility of a major accident remains. Operating a nuclear plant with huge risks is not justified.

The new draft recommendation, "Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident" is not justified because it presupposes the use of nuclear power plants and associated accidents.

The draft recommendation clearly shows that the ICRP is in a position to give priority to the interests of nuclear power stakeholders over the damage to the public and the environment. The optimization of protective actions, as described by the ICRP, is the conversion of exposure doses into monetary values to minimize the cost of radiation protection and the cost of compensation for damage to health from exposure. The exposure dose derived from a reasonably achievable minimum cost would be the reference level.

Damage from a nuclear accident cannot be converted into money. The damage will continue into the future. The ICRP, weighing its enormous harm against the interests of nuclear stakeholders, is selfishly determined that the benefits outweigh the harms. On that premise, the ICRP justifies itself.

The draft recommendation forces exposure to the public. It calls itself "radiation protection culture" and forces people to bear the risk of a nuclear accident, to seek self-help protective actions and to coexist with radioactivity. There is no merit for those who are exposed to radiation, and they will suffer unbearable misery. The expression "Culture" is extremely inappropriate.

Since a nuclear accident is inevitable, the ICRP should recommend a ban on the use of nuclear power plants to achieve optimization of protection for the public. Nevertheless, there is still a mountain of work to be done to bring the accident under control, decommission the reactors and manage nuclear waste. The ICRP should focus on protective measures in these operations and make recommendations to minimize health hazards to field workers.
