Foundation docs Optimisation; Dose to Individual

Draft document: Foundation docs Optimisation; Dose to Individual
Submitted by Christophe Murith, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

Swiss Comments concerning the Draft Paper of ICRP on the topic of “Assessing Dose of the Representative Individual for the Purpose of Radiation Protection of the Public” The paper has been studied by the “Kompetenzzentrum Ausbreitungsberechnungen” (competence center for atmospheric dispersion calculations) of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK). Our group welcomes the document and its contents. Special interest was laid on the articles concerning the consumption rate of the representative individual (articles 63 and 64). Here the discussion led to the conclusion that the actual text offers enough flexibility such that the Swiss national guidelines are already in good accordance with the suggestions made. The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate however emphasizes that this flexibility should be maintained and not given up for an excessive conservatism. Under this premise HSK is convinced, that the final version of the actual draft will be a very useful document for the assessment of the dose to the public in the nearby environment of installations dealing with radioactive materials.
