Task Group 105
Considering the Environment when Applying the System of Radiological Protection

Under Committee 4

Building on ICRP Publication 124 the Task Group will consider how radiological protection of the environment in implanted in the system of protection. The TG will use case studies to illustrate how protection principles should apply in the context of both humans and biota. Several case studies are available for existing and emergency exposure situations (e.g. Andreeva Bay, Mayak and Little Forest) along with the potential to learn lessons from the likes of Chernobyl and Fukushima. 

Key topics to be addressed include:

  • site-specific decision making
  • situations in which biota may be potentially more limiting than humans
  • approach to considering humans and biota in an integrated manner
  • how to handle decisions on what needs to be done where humans are considered protected but biota may not be
  • DCRLs and their use as a dose rate rather than dose for application (for communication) in emergency exposure situations.
  • converting the DCRLs into environmental concentrations and other measures (e.g. ambient dose equivalent) to aid communication and application.

The Task Group works closely with other TGs especially TG99 and TG125 due to the cross-cutting nature of the work. The group started drafting its report in 2024 drawing on a range of experience, science and ethical considerations.  The group is also examining the potential implications of the output of a review of the science being carried out by Task Group 99, in particular for regulatory and protection guidance e.g. reference levels and grouping of reference animals and plants.

The Task Group aims to make its draft report available for public consultation in 2025.



ICRP 2023 Poster

David Copplestone (Chair), University of Stirling, United Kingdom
Andy Mayall (Co-Chair), Environment Agency, United Kingdom
Christiana Dowds (Member), Environment Agency, England, United Kingdom
Gillian Hirth (Member), ARPANSA, Australia
Mathew Johansen (Member), Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, AUSTRALIA
Kazuo Sakai (Member), Tokyo Healthcare University, Japan
John Takala (Member), Cameco Corporation, Canada
Tamara Yankovich (Member), Austria
Megan Cook (Member-Mentee), ARPANSA, Australia
Olvido Guzman (Representative), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria
Christopher Mogg (Representative), Office for Nuclear Regulation, United Kingdom
Diego Telleria (Representative), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria