Dr. Sakae Kinase

Task Group 125, Member (2022/09/15 - )
Task Group 128, Member (2023/09/07 - )

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)/ Ibaraki University


Sakae Kinase received the Ph.D. degree from Tohoku University, Japan, in 2002. He is a Principal Scientist with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, and an adjunct Professor at Ibaraki University, Japan. From 2018 to 2019, he worked for IAEA in Vienna. He has been working on non-ionizing radiation measurements, internal dosimetry, in vivo counting, Monte Carlo simulations, tissue substitute for photon/electron and physical phantom developments, animal voxel model developments, and the Fukushima accident studies. He received AESJ awards in 2000, 2010, 2018, 2024, and 2025, JHPS award, Radioisotopes award, and IM 2005 poster award from EURADOS. For the development of the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 Fukushima report, he received a letter of gratitude from UNSCEAR. Prof. Kinase was selected as PMB's top 20 referees in 2011 and an outstanding reviewer in 2018, IOP Publishing, IOP trusted reviewer, and serves as an associate editor for Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford University Press) and an academic editor for PLOS ONE.
