ICRP Symposium on Radiological Protection Dosimetry
Historical Review and Current Activities
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Opening Address
Structure and Mission of the International Commission on Radiological Protection
John Harrison, ICRP C2 Chair
Session 1 – Introduction
Chair: Akira Endo, ICRP C2
Overview of the ICRP System of Internal and External Dosimetry
Wesley Bolch, ICRP C2
Session 2 – Models and Data Used for the Calculation of Dose Coefficients
Chair: Nolan Hertel, ICRP TG90
Computational Phantoms of the Reference Adults: Stylized and Voxel
Maria Zankl, ICRP TG96
Polygon Mesh Conversion of the ICRP Reference Phantoms
Chan Hyeong Kim, ICRP C2
Methods of Dose Assessment to the Skeletal Tissues
Derek Jokisch, ICRP TG96
Computational Phantoms of Children and Pregnant Females
Choonsik Lee, ICRP TG96
Biokinetic Models and Dose Coefficients for Internal Exposures
John Harrison, ICRP C2 Chair
Session 3 – Dose Coefficients Using ICRP Reference Models and Data
Chair: Kimiaki Saito, ICRP TG90
Reference Dose Coefficients for Occupational External Exposure
Nina Petoussi-Henss, ICRP C2
Reference Dose Coefficients for Environmental Exposure
Helmut Schlattl, ICRP TG90
Session 4 – Application of Effective Dose and Radiation Monitoring Practice
Chair: Kwang Pyo Kim, ICRP TG96
Effective Dose and Risk Assessment
John Harrison, ICRP C2 Chair
Revisions to ICRU Operational Quantities
Nolan Hertel, ICRU Report Committee 26 Co-chair
Session 5 – Research Needed for the ICRP System of Radiological Protection Dosimetry
Chair: Wesley Bolch, ICRP C2
Issues on the Radiation Weighting Factor
Tatsuhiko Sato, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Dose Assessment of Workers and the Public: Lessons Learned from Fukushima
Osamu Kurihara, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
General Discussion: Research Needs in Radiological Protection
Concluding Remarks
John Harrison, ICRP C2 Chair