Joint FMU-ICRP Workshop on Radiological Protection in Medicine
Fukushima Medical University, Japan
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Opening Address
Koichi Tanigawa (Fukushima Medical University, Japan)
Session 1: General Overview and Introduction from FMU
Radiological Protection in Medicine: Overview and Introduction of TG101
Yoshiharu Yonekura (QST, Japan)
New Treatment Facility and Targeted Alpha-particle Therapy in FMU
Noboru Oriuchi (Fukushima Medical University, Japan)
Session 2: Risk Estimate for Radiological Protection
Individual Risk Estimates in Radiology: Is it necessary and possible?
Sören Mattsson (Skåne University Hospital Malmö and Lund University, Sweden)
Pediatric Phantoms for Dosimetry Calculations
Wesley Bolch (University of Florida, USA)
Session 3: Radiological Protection in Radionuclide Therapy
Individualized Treatment Planning in Radionuclide Therapy
Glenn Flux (Royal Marsden Hospital, UK)
Current Status on Radionuclide Therapy
Makoto Hosono (Kindai University, Japan)