ICRP Publication 124

Protection of the Environment under Different Exposure Situations

Recommended citation
ICRP, 2014. Protection of the Environment under Different Exposure Situations. ICRP Publication 124. Ann. ICRP 43(1).

Authors on behalf of ICRP
R.J. Pentreath, J. Lochard, C-M. Larsson, D.A. Cool, P. Strand, J. Simmonds, D. Copplestone, D. Oughton, E. Lazo

Abstract - In this report, the Commission describes its framework for protection of the environment and how it should be applied within the Commission’s system of protection. The report expands upon its objectives in relation to protection of the environment, in so far as it relates to the protection of animals and plants (biota) in their natural environment, and how these can be met by the use of Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs); their Derived Consideration Reference Levels (DCRLs), which relate radiation effects to doses over and above their normal local background natural radiation levels; and different potential pathways of exposure. The report explains the different types of exposure situations to which its recommendations apply; the key principles that are relevant to protection of the environment; and hence how reference values based on the use of DCRLs can be used to inform on the appropriate level of effort relevant to different exposure situations. Further recommendations are made with regard to how the Commission’s recommendations can be implemented to satisfy different forms of environmental protection objectives, which may require the use of representative organisms specific to a site, and how these may be compared with the reference values. Additional information is also given with regard to, in particular, communication with other interested parties and stakeholders. Issues that may arise in relation to compliance are also discussed, and the final chapter discusses the overall implications of the Commission’s work in this area to date. Appendices A and B provide some numerical information relating to the RAPs. Annex C considers various existing types of environmental protection legislation currently in place in relation to large industrial sites and practices, and the various ways in which wildlife are protected from various threats arising from such sites.

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P124 Corrigenda