Recommended citation
ICRP, 2022. Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides: Part 5. ICRP Publication 151. Ann. ICRP 51 (1–2).

Authors on behalf of ICRP
F. Paquet, R.W. Leggett, E. Blanchardon, M.R. Bailey, D. Gregoratto, T. Smith, G. Ratia, E. Davesne, V. Berkovski, J.D. Harrison

Abstract - This publication is the fifth and the last in a series dedicated to occupational intakes of radionuclides (OIR), which replaces the Publication 30 series (ICRP, 1979a,b, 1980, 1981, 1988) and Publications 54, 68, and 78 (ICRP, 1989, 1994a, 1997). The first publication of this new series (OIR Part 1) describes the assessment of internal occupational exposure to radionuclides, biokinetic and dosimetric models, methods of individual and workplace monitoring, and general aspects of retrospective dose assessment. The following publications of the series (OIR Parts 2–5) provide data on individual elements and their radioisotopes, including information on chemical forms encountered in the workplace; a list of principal radioisotopes and their physical half-lives and decay modes; the parameter values of the reference biokinetic models; and data on monitoring techniques for the radioisotopes most commonly encountered in workplaces. For most of the elements, reviews of data on inhalation, ingestion, and systemic biokinetics are also provided. Dosimetric data provided in the printed publications of the series include tables of committed effective dose per intake (Sv per Bq intake) for inhalation and ingestion, tables of committed effective dose per content (Sv per Bq measurement) for inhalation, and graphs of retention and excretion data per Bq intake for inhalation. These data are provided for all absorption types and for the most common isotope(s) of each element. The online electronic files that accompany the OIR series of publications contain a comprehensive set of committed effective and equivalent dose coefficients, committed effective dose per content functions, and reference bioassay functions. Data are provided for inhalation, ingestion, and direct input to blood. This publication provides the above data for the following elements: beryllium, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, chlorine, potassium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, nickel, copper, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, rubidium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, platinum, gold, mercury, thallium, astatine, and francium. Additional dosimetric data for exposure from submersion in a cloud of gas are given in Annex A for the noble gases neon, argon, krypton, and xenon.

© 2022 ICRP. Published by SAGE.

Keywords: Occupational exposure; Internal dose assessment; Biokinetic and dosimetric models; Bioassay interpretation

Key Points
This publication is the fifth in the Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides (OIR) series replacing the Publication 30 series (ICRP, 1979a,b, 1980, 1981, 1988) and Publications 54, 68, and 78 (ICRP, 1989, 1994a, 1997). The OIR series provides dose coefficients and bioassay functions for radionuclides encountered in the workplace.

The present publication considers radioisotopes of the following elements: beryllium (Be), fluorine (F), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), aluminium (Al), silicon (Si), chlorine (Cl), potassium (K), scandium (Sc), titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), bromine (Br), rubidium (Rb), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), silver (Ag), cadmium (Cd), indium (In), tin (Sn), hafnium (Hf), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), rhenium (Re), osmium (Os), platinum (Pt), gold (Au), mercury (Hg), thallium (Tl), astatine (At), and francium (Fr).

Sections on individual elements and their radioisotopes include information on (when available): a list of principal radioisotopes and their physical half-lives and decay modes; parameter values for reference biokinetic models; and data on monitoring techniques for the radioisotopes most commonly encountered in workplaces. Reviews of data on ingestion and systemic biokinetics are provided for all elements, but reviews of data on inhalation are only provided for the elements that were considered important for radiological protection.

Dosimetric data provided in the printed publications of the OIR series include tables of committed effective dose per intake (Sv per Bq intake) for inhalation and ingestion, tables of committed effective dose per content (Sv per Bq measurement) for inhalation, and graphs of retention and excretion per Bq intake for inhalation. These data are provided for all absorption types and for the most common isotope(s) of each element.

The online electronic files that accompany the OIR series of publications contain a comprehensive set of committed effective and equivalent dose coefficients, committed effective dose per content functions, and reference bioassay functions. Data are provided for inhalation, ingestion, and direct input to blood.

In addition to these data given for radionuclide intakes by ingestion or inhalation, dose coefficients for exposure by submersion in a cloud of noble gases are given in Annex A.

Executive Summary: Not included in this publication

Concise Summary
This publication is the fifth in the Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides (OIR) series providing dose coefficients and bioassay functions for radionuclides encountered in the workplace. The publication considers radioisotopes of the following elements:

Beryllium, Fluorine, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Chlorine, Potassium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, Copper, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, Rubidium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, Osmium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Astatine, and Francium.

General Summary
This publication is the last in a series dedicated to occupational intakes of radionuclides (OIR), which replaces the Publication 30 series (ICRP, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1988) and Publications 54, 68, and 78 (ICRP 1989, 1994, 1997). The first publication of this new series (OIR Part 1) describes the assessment of internal occupational exposure to radionuclides, biokinetic and dosimetric models, methods of individual and workplace monitoring, and general aspects of retrospective dose assessment. The following publications of the series (Parts 2-5) provide data on individual elements and their radioisotopes, including information on chemical forms encountered in the workplace; a list of principal radioisotopes and their physical half-lives and decay modes; the parameter values of the reference biokinetic model; and data on monitoring techniques for the radioisotopes most commonly encountered in workplaces. For most of the elements, reviews of data on inhalation, ingestion and systemic biokinetics are also provided.

Dosimetric data provided in the printed publications of the series include tables of committed effective dose per intake (Sv per Bq intake) for inhalation and ingestion, tables of committed effective dose per content (Sv per Bq measurement) for inhalation, and graphs of retention and excretion data per Bq intake for inhalation. These data are provided for all absorption types and for the most common isotope(s) of each element section.

The electronic data that accompanies this series of publications contains a comprehensive set of committed effective and equivalent dose coefficients, committed effective dose per content functions, and reference bioassay functions. Data are provided for inhalation, ingestion and for direct input to the blood.

This publication provides the above data for the following elements: beryllium, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, chlorine, potassium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, nickel, copper, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, rubidium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, platinum, gold, mercury, thallium, astatine and francium. Additional

dosimetric data for exposure from submersion in a cloud of gas are given in the annex for the noble gases neon, argon, krypton and xenon.

Information on exposure from submersion in a cloud of gas is given in Annex A for the noble gases neon, argon, krypton and xenon.

Technical Summary
Same as publication summary.