Free the Annals: Together we did it!

On 15 May 2019, we announced the success of the Free the Annals initiative. This marks a permanent change to the way the world accesses Annals of the ICRP.  Once a publication has been available for two years, it will become free to download. This took affect at the end of 2019, when all of issues up to 2017 (up to ICRP Publication 137) will be freely available to download. On 1 January of each year since, several publications have become free to access. Those who need access to the very latest can maintain a subscription or buy individual issues.

Very many thanks to all the organisations and individuals listed below who contributed to this success.

We still rely on the voluntary contributions of individuals, governments, and industry from around the world to support our general programme of work, so click the DONATE link below if you or your organisation is interested! If you prefer to contribute by bank transfer or cheque, please contact for more information.


ICRP is an international, independent registered charity, relying on voluntary contributions to support our work. Our ~250 expert members from more than 30 countries and all disciplines relevant to radiological protection volunteer their time to ICRP. Together we develop the System of Radiological Protection, which forms the basis of standards, legislation, guidance, programmes, and practice worldwide. This helps ensure that patients, workers, the public, and the environment are protected against detrimental effects of radiation exposure.



Supporting Organisations


Chinese Institute for Radiation Protection

Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, UAE (FANR)

United States Department of Energy (DOE)

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Chinese Society for Radiation Protection (CSRP)

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

National Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), France

Health Canada (HC)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

American Academy of Health Physics (AAHP)

The Society for Radiological Protection (SRP)

Radiation Effects Association, Japan (REA)

International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)

American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)


Dutch Society for Radiation Protection (NVS)


Italian National Inspectoriate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ISIN)

Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA)


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)

Centre d’étude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire, France (CEPN)

Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium (FANC)

Société Française de Radioprotection, France (SFRP)

Italian Association Medical Physics (AIFM)

Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM)

Danish Society for Medical Physics 


Centers for Disease and Control Prevention

International Organisation for Medical Physics (IOMP)

Ghana Association for Radiation Protection (GARP)


Israel Society for Radiation Protection



Nordic Society for Radiation Protection (NSFS)


Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)


South African Association of Physicists in Medicine and Biology (SAAPMB)

The National Centre for Radiation Protection, Delft University (Netherlands)


Spanish Radiation Protection Society (SEPR)


East Tennessee Chapter of the Health Physics Society (United States)


Spanish Society of Medical Physics


Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, United Kingdom


Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority (GR)

ENUSA Industria Avanzandas, S.A., S.M.E. (ENUSA) Spain

Australasian Radiation Protection Association (ARPS)

South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association (SPERA)

RP Alba Ltd

Individual Supporters


Fatima Al Kaabi
Penelope Allisy
Meshary Alnuaimi
Kimberly Applegate
Nobuhiko Ban
Catrin Bauréus Koch
Alistair Bell
Theocharis Berris
Eric Blanchardon
Wesley Bolch
Simon Bouffler
Marie-Claire Cantone
Nicol Caplin
Kunwoo Cho
Roger Clarke
Christopher Clement
Kelsey Cloutier
Donald Cool
Claire Cousins
Michael Cowie
Keith Eckerman
Akira Endo
Scott Foley
Hiroki Fujita
Juan J Burgos Gallego
Eduardo Gallego Diaz
Julian Ginniver
Daniele Giuffrida
Jónína Guðjónsdóttir
Nobuyuki Hamada
Gael Hammer
Naomi Harley
John Harrison
Marcia Hartman
Dan Hibbing
Toshihiro Higuchi
Toshimitsu Homma
Mark Hoover
Makoto Hosono
Chan Hyeong Kim
Lars Jødal
Derek Jokisch
Michiaki Kai
Alexandra Kamp
Isao Kawaguchi
Pavel Kazantsev
Bob Kerr
Leondios Kratzwald
Carl-Magnus Larsson
Dominique Laurier
Lynn Lemaire
Jacques Lochard
Stephen Long
Reinhard Loose
Maria Antonia Lopez
Josep Martí Climent
Nicole E Martinez
Sigurður Magnússon
Yahong Mao
Colin Martin
Mike Mahathy
Patrick Mattera
Fred Mettler
Miguel Mota
Rock Neveau
Anne Nisbet
Juan Ocampo Ramos
Wong Pai Wai
Jan Pentreath
Nina Petoussi-Heinss
Karen Potts
Julian Preston
Robert Puckett
Madan Rehani
Julie Reyjal
Marvin Rosenstein
Werner Rühm
Michiya Sasaki
Yasuhito Sasaki
Tatsuhiko Sato
Thierry Schneider
Marcel Schouwenburg
Cristian Sepuvelda
Tharon Sheen
Sergey Shinkarev
Samantha Sonter
Christian Streffer
Daniel J. Strom
David Sutton
John M Takala
UAE Dubai Team
Phillip Thomas
Alexander Ulanowski
Jack Valentin
Eliseo Vano
Erik Wåhlin
Hanne Waltenburg
Gisbert Weigl
Robert Wilson
Keon Wook Kang
Andrew Yule


We are delighted to lead the way with a meaningful contribution towards making the Annals of the ICRP available for free, and in particular we are proud that Publication 103 is now available to everybody thanks to our contribution. Easy access will be a boon to governments, scientists, professionals, and interested citizens world-wide. Let’s take on this important initiative together.

- Christer Viktorsson, Director General, The UAE’s Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR)

We are pleased to join other agencies and countries in ICRP’s efforts with our contribution towards making the Annals of the ICRP available for free; and, in particular, we are thrilled that Publication 103 will be available to everyone. Access will be a benefit to radiation protection professionals, scientists, and interested countries worldwide. Let us undertake this critical initiative together.

- Dr. Patricia R. Worthington, Director, Office of Health and Safety, United States Department of Energy

I see the Free the Annals initiative as transformational for our profession. Not only will we have easier access to the ICRP recommendations that are the foundation of our work, but other interested professionals, policy makers, and members of the public will also have free access. The IRPA Executive Council has already contributed to this cause, knowing that this change will have a very positive global impact on our profession, in perpetuity. I also strongly urge each IRPA Associate Society to seriously consider supporting this initiative. Contributions from many Associate Societies, large or small, will send a strong message that this is worth supporting.

- Roger Coates, President, International Radiation Protection Association