Since 1928, the recommendations of ICRP have formed ionising radiation-related policy, practice, guidelines, standards, and regulation worldwide. As the world’s relationship with radiation has evolved, ICRP has evolved to ensure that people, animals, plants, and the environment everywhere are protected and safe. Whether it was after World War II when the world’s relationship with radiation changed forever, or keeping up with the significant advancements in medical technology over the last 100 years, the work of ICRP’s expert volunteers has been a global beacon of health and safety.
Although you can often not see, hear, or feel radiation, it is a part of our everyday lives. The same is true about our work. We protect people, animals, plants, and the environment everywhere, but a vast majority of people have no idea. As a charity, it makes it more difficult to receive financial support as people often do not see or understand our work. Much like radiation, we are a part of your everyday lives. When you support ICRP, you are helping us protect you and everything around you.
If you’ve received an X-Ray or CT Scan, worked in a hospital, been treated with radiation therapy, or taken radiopharmaceuticals you’ve benefitted from our work. Governments and hospitals around the world use our recommendations to keep patients, doctors, nurses, and technicians protected from harmful exposure to ionising radiation.
Hospital workers, veterinarians, miners, nuclear power plant workers, flight crew, and astronauts are just some of the occupations around the world who are exposed to radiation more than the average person. Protection from hazardous levels of radiation should be part of a robust Health and Safety plan for any organisation. Our recommendations provides the global benchmark on how to keep employees safe. With all but the most recent two-years of ICRP publications free-to-access, there are little barriers to finding the answers you need.
Since the mid 1900’s, radiological protection experts have understood that the adverse effects of radiation do not just impact humans. Whether it’s naturally occurring radiation, medical usage, or nuclear accidents, effects on the environment are considered in mostly all ICRPs recent work. As the world continues to work towards a greener planet, we are playing our part protecting plants, animals, and ecosystems everywhere.
If you work in government relations or deal with radiation-policy in your professional life, you are probably familiar with the IAEA’s Basic Safety Standards (BSS) Act. As an international standard, governments and organisations everywhere rely on its contents to develop regulations, policies, practice, and guidelines. What you may not know, is that our expert volunteers work is heavily referenced in that document. When we update our recommendations, the world listens. You and your organisation stand to benefit greatly by having a working relationship with ICRP.