ICRP 2021+1 PRESENTATIONS  |  DAY 4  |  10 NOVEMBER 2022


Keynote: Fred Dermarker



Moderator: Werner Rühm (ICRP & Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany)
Radiation Science and Communications for Future Nuclear
Fred Dermarkar (AECL, Canada)


Session 12: Advances in Medical Radiological Protection



Co-Chairs: Kimberly Applegate (ICRP, USA), Michèle Légaré (TOH, Canada)
TG108a and Next Steps in Optimisation of Imaging (Not Including Nuc Med) / Integration, Continuous Improvement, and Teamwork of Imaging Optimisation Process in Complex HC Systems
Mika Kortesniemi (STUK, Finland)
Voxel-based Analyses for Pediatric Outcomes Research
Lydia Wilson (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA)
Radiation Safety Program for Hybrid Modalities in Canada
Ali Shoushtarian (CRPA & TOH, Canada)
ICRP Task Group 116: Radiological Protection Aspects of Imaging in Radiotherapy
Colin Martin (ICRP & University of Glasgow, UK)
Exposure of Volunteers in Medical Research – Justified and Optimized?
Anja Almén (SSM, Sweden)


Session 13: Optimisation of Radiological Protection at Nuclear Power Plants and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle



Moderator: John Takala (ICRP & Cameco Corp., Canada), Josip Zic (McMaster U & WNA, Canada)
Results of Radiation Safety Optimization at the Darlington NPP Four-Unit Refurbishment Project
Scott Stafford (Ontario Power Generation, Canada)
Radiation Safety Challenges with High Grade Uranium Mining & Milling
Kari Toews (Cameco Corp.,, Canada)
Findings from a Large Volume Sorting, Segregation and Source Term Characterization Project on Low Level Waste from CANDU NPPs
Ryan Cooke (Laurentis Energy Partners, Canada)
TG 97 - Radiological Protection in Surface and Near Surface Disposal of Solid Radioactive Waste
John Takala (ICRP & Cameco Corp., Canada)
Revision of ICRP’s General Recommendations - A Chance for Some Reconsiderations from an Industry Perspective
Marcel Lips (Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG & WNA, Switzerland)


Session 14: Learning from Experience



Co-Chairs: Gillian Hirth (ICRP & ARPANSA, Australia), Peter Johnston (IAEA, Austria)
ICRP Dialogue and Publication 146
Jean-Francois Lecomte (ICRP & IRSN, France)
In the Eleventh Year of the Accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Toshikazu Suzuki (Chiyoda Technol Corp., Japan)
The ICRP Publication 103 Recommendations and Translating Them to the BSS, andThence to the National implementation
Peter Johnston (IAEA, Austria)
Implementation of a New Equivalent Dose Limit for the Lens of the Eye in Canada
Christina Dodkin (CNSC, Canada)
Radiological Protection and Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) – How it Really Works!
Frank Harris (Rio Tinto, Australia)
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Conservatism?
Cameron Jeffries (ICRP & SA Medical Imaging, Australia)
Future Application of the ICRP System of Radiological Protection: Piews from UK Professionals
Peter Bryant (ICRP, WNA, Sizewell C & U of Surrey, UK)


Session 15: Next Steps (Closing)



Chair: Christopher Clement (ICRP, Canada)
Next Steps in Advancing the System of Radiological Protection
Werner Rühm (ICRP & Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany)


Message from CRPA
Diana Moscu (CRPA, Canada) and Ali Shoushtarian (CRPA & TOH, Canada)
Invitation to ICRP 2023 Tokyo
Reiko Kanda (QST, Japan)
Werner Rühm (ICRP & Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany)