Session 9: Exposure Categories & Situations



Co-chairs: Analia CANOBA (ICRP & ARN, Argentina), Hiroko YOSHIDA (ICRP & Tohoku University, Japan)
Introduction of Related Video and Poster Presentations
Rapporteur: Yuji INUKAI (C-Technol, Japan)
Breakthroughs of Task Group 127
Analia CANOBA (ICRP & ARN, Argentina)
Is NORM Always an Existing Exposure Situation?
Christopher JONES (AWE, UK)
Some Issues in the Implementation of the Current System of Protection
Analia CANOBA (ICRP & ARN, Argentina)
Connections between Categories of Exposure in the Hospital Setting
Lorenzo Nicola MAZZONI (Medical Physics Unit Prato-Pistoia, AUSL Toscana Centro, Italy)
Issues and Confusions in an Existing Exposure Situation After the Fukushima Accident
Hiroko YOSHIDA (Tohoku University, Japan)
Exposure Categories & Situations in the Current System of Radiation Protection: Main Challenges and IAEA’s Activities to Assist its Members Sates in Addressing Them
Olvido GUZMÁN (IAEA, Austria)


Session 10: Tolerability & Reasonableness



Co-Chairs: Thierry SCHNEIDER (ICRP & CEPN, France), Haruyuki OGINO (ICRP & NRA, Japan)
A Proposed Framework for Reasonable: Relationships, Rationale, and Resources
Summary of the ICRP-WNA Workshop on Optimisation
Marcel LIPS (WNA, Switzerland)
How can Reasonableness and Tolerability be Considered in Implementing Optimisation in the Decision-making Process?
ICRP TG 114, Application of Tolerability and Reasonableness in the Medical Field
Marie-Claire CANTONE (University of Milan, Italy)
Introduction of Related Video and Poster Presentations
Rapporteur: Momo TAKADA (AIST, Japan)
Tolerability & Reasonableness: Views from IRPA
Bernard le GUEN (IRPA, France)
A Benchmark for Comparing Radiation-related Cancer Risk Among Countries: Baseline Cancer Rates of Incidence and Mortality


Session 11: Offspring & Next Generations



Co-Chairs: Prakash HANDE (ICRP & National U of Singapore, Singapore), Yoshiya SHIMADA (ICRP & IES, Japan)
Introduction of Related Video and Poster Presentations
Rapporteur: Hisanori FUKUNAGA (Hokkaido University, Japan)
The Work of ICRP Task Group 121 – the Effects of Preconceptional and Intrauterine Exposures
Richard WAKEFORD (University of Manchester, UK)
A Multidisciplinary Challenge to Assess the Next-generation Risks of Low-dose-rate Long-term Gamma-ray Exposure by Whole-genome Sequencing in the Mouse Model
Yoichi GONDO (Tokai University, Japan)
History and Future Prospects of RERF Studies on Offspring of Atomic Bomb Survivors
Asao NODA (RERF, Japan)
Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis for Understanding Next Generation Effects of Radiation Exposure
Arikuni UCHIMURA (RERF, Japan)
Lack of Transgenerational Effects of Ionizing Radiation Exposure in Cleanup Workers and Evacuees of the Chornobyl Accident


Session 12: Radiation Emergencies



Co-Chairs: Anne NISBET (ICRP & UKHSA, UK), Satoshi TASHIRO (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Introduction of Related Video and Poster Presentations
Rapporteur: Kotaro TANI (QST, Japan)
Medical System for Radiation Emergency in Japan
Takako TOMINAGA (QST, Japan)
The Work of ICRP TG120 on Radiation Emergencies and Malicious Events
Anne NISBET (UKHSA & Chair ICRP TG120, UK)
New WHO Policy Advice on National Stockpiles for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies
Zhanat CARR (WHO, Switzerland)
Communicating Radiation Emergencies on Social Media
Maren GRUß (ICRP & BfS, Germany)


Session 13: Imaging in Radiotherapy



Co-Chairs: Colin J MARTIN (ICRP & University of Glasgow, UK), Makoto HOSONO (ICRP & Kindai University, Japan)
Introduction of Related Video and Poster Presentations
Rapporteur: Yumi LEE (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
A Survey of Image Guided Radiation Therapy Practices around the Globe
Colin J MARTIN (University of Glasgow, UK)
Fit for Purpose: Dose Optimization in Radiotherapy Imaging in a Large Organization
Tomas KRON (Peter Mac, Australia)
Development of a Methodology for Measurement of Dose for Cone Beam CT Scans in Radiotherapy
Mario DJUKELIC (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Australia)
Image-guided Heavy Ion Therapy
Shinichiro MORI (QST, Japan)


Session 14: Justification



Co-Chairs: Nobuhiko BAN (ICRP & NRA, Japan), Julie BURTT (ICRP & CNSC, Canada)
Introduction of Related Video and Poster Presentations
Rapporteur: Tatsuki KIMURA (CRIEPI, Japan)
Unique Aspects of Justification in Medicine: An Ethical Way Forward for the Radiological Protection Community
Sergio SALERNO (University of Palermo, Italy)
All-hazard Approach to Preparedness and Response for Complex Disasters
Terumasa NIIOKA (CAO, Japan)
Panel Discussion
Justification: Views from IRPA
Bernard le GUEN (IRPA, France)
Flexible Application of the Justification Principle: The View of the NEA “Expert Group on International Recommendations”
Sigurður MAGNÚSSON (OECD/NEA, Iceland)
Justification: A WHO's Perspective
Emilie van DEVENTER (WHO, Switzerland)
IAEA Activities in Relation to Justification of Medical Exposure
Ola HOLMBERG (IAEA, Austria)