Task Groups

In May of 1962, ICRP established a new structure of committees and decided to appoint ad hoc task groups to deal with specific problems. (ICRP, 1965)

Committee 4 on the Applications of ICRP Recommendations formed the first ICRP Task Group, on Environmental Monitoring (ICRP, 1965), which produced ICRP Publication 7.

Since then, most publications have been developed by Task Groups.

Task Groups with Multiple Publications

Although most Task Groups have focused on developing a single publication, some have had a wider remit and longer life. The most obvious examples are Task Group 4 on Dose Calculations (DOCAL) and Task Group 21 on Internal Dosimetry (INDOS) that, both together and separately, have produced many ICRP publications.

ICRP Task Groups

Please find below a complete list of past Task Groups. To jump to a list of task group members click the task group name. Current Task Groups are listed on the Main Commission and Committees pages under “ICRP Activities”.

Task Group Name Period Publication
Environmental Monitoring 1964-1965 Publication 7
Evaluation of Radiation Risks 1964-1965 Publication 8
General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection 1964-1965 Publication 12
Radiation Protection in Education and Training 1964-1968 Publication 13
Evaluation on Accidental and Emergency Exposures of Radiation Workers 1964-1965 Publication 28
Task Group on Reference Man 1964-1974 Publication 23
Radiosensitivity and Spatial Distribution of Dose 1965-1969 Publication 14
Metabolism of Compounds of Plutonium and other Actinides 1965-1972 Publication 19
Radiosensitivity of the Tissues in Bone Joint Committee between Committees 1 and 2 1965-1968 Publication 11
Protection of the Patient in X-ray Diagnosis 1966-1969 Publication 16
Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources 1967-1969 Publication 15
Biological Effects of Inhaled Particles 1967-1969 Publication 31
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers 1967-1988 Publication 30
Alkaline Earth Metabolism in Adult Man 1968-1972 Publication 20
Data for Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources 1969-1971 Publication 21
The RBE for High-LET Radiations with respect to Mutagenesis 1969-1972 Publication 18
Radiation Protection in Uranium and other Mines 1970-1977 Publication 24
Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal of Unsealed Radionuclides in Hospitals and Medical Research Establishments Joint Committee between Committees 3 and 4 1971-1975 Publication 25
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Radionuclides Transformations Energy and Intensity of Emissions 1974-1983 Publication 38
Protection Against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources Used in Medicine 1978-1982 Publication 33
Protection of the Patient In Diagnostic Radiology 1978-1982 Publication 34
Principle and methods of application of Optimization of Radiation Protection Joint Committee between Committee 4 and the ICRP Main Commission 1978-1983 Publication 37
Protection of the Patient in Nuclear Medicine 1978-1987 Publication 52
Protection of the Public in the Event of Major Radiation Accidents: Principles for Planning 1981-1984 Publication 40
Non-stochastic Effects of Ionizing Radiation 1981-1984 Publication 41
Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population 1981-1985 Publication 43
The Metabolism of Plutonium and Related Elements 1981-1986 Publication 48
Lung Cancer Risk From Indoor Exposures To Radon Daughters 1981-1987 Publication 50
Protection of the Patient in Radiation Therapy 1982-1985 Publication 44
Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal 1982-1985 Publication 46
Radiation Protection of Workers in Mines 1982-1986 Publication 47
Developmental Effects of Irradiation on the Brain of the Embryo and Fetus 1982-1986 Publication 49
Optimisation and Decision Making in Radiological Protection 1984-1989 Publication 55
Task Group on Reference Man Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data for use in Radiological Protection 1984-2002 Publication 89
Individual Monitoring for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers 1984-1988 Publication 54
Data for Use in Protection Against External Radiation 1985-1987 Publication 51
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals Joint Task Group with Task Group 19 on Radiopharmaceuticals 1985-1987 Publication 53
RBE for Deterministic Effects 1985-1989 Publication 58
Radiological Protection of the Worker in Medicine and Dentistry 1986-1989 Publication 57
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 1 Joint Task Group with Task Group 19 on Radiopharmaceuticals 1987-1989 Publication 56
Biological Basis for Dose Limitation in the Skin 1987-1991 Publication 59
Principles for Intervention for Protection of the Public in a Radiological Emergency 1987-1991 Publication 63
Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 2 1987-1995 Publication 67
Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 3 1987-1995 Publication 69
Task Group 4(INDOS) -Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 4 Inhalation Dose Co-efficients 1987-1995 Publication 71
Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) -Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 5 Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation Dose Coefficients 1987-1996 Publication 72
Doses to the Embryo and Fetus from Intakes of Radionuclides by the Mother 1987-2001 Publication 88
Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) -Doses to Infants from Ingestion of Radionuclides in Mothers’ Milk 1987-2004 Publication 95
1990 Recommendations of the ICRP 1989-1990 Publication 60
Annual Limits on Intake of Radionuclides by Workers Based on the 1990 Recommendations 1989-1990 Publication 61
Protection from Potential Exposure: A Conceptual Framework 1990-1993 Publication 64
Protection Against Radon-222 at Home and at Work 1990-1993 Publication 65
Human Respiratory Tract Model for Radiological Protection 1992-1994 Publication 66
Dose Coefficients for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers 1992-1994 Publication 68
Task Group 22: Genetic Susceptibility to Cancer 1992-1999 Publication 79
Task Group 23 on Reference Man -Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data for use in Radiological Protection: The Skeleton 1992-1995 Publication 70
Task Group 24: Multifactorial Genetic Disorders 1993-1999 Publication 83
Task Group 27: Radiological Protection and Safety in Medicine 1993-1995 Publication 73
Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) - Conversion Coefficients for use in Radiological Protection against External Radiation Joint Task Group with ICRU 1993-1996 Publication 74
General Principles for the Radiation Protection of Workers 1993-1997 Publication 75
Protection from Potential Exposures: Application to Selected Radiation Sources 1993-1997 Publication 76
Task Group 36 (Radiopharmaceuticals)- Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals Joint Committee between Committees 2 and 3 1994-1998 Publication 80
Task Group 29: Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal 1996-1997 Publication 77
Radiation Protection Recommendations as Applied to the Disposal of Long Lived Solid Radioactive Waste 1996-1998 Publication 81
Task Group 30: Chronic Exposures 1996-1999 Publication 82
Task Group 31: Human Alimentary Tract 1997-2006 Publication 100
Task Group 33: Pregnant Patients and Medical Staff 1997-2000 Publication 84
Task Group 34: Safety in Radiotherapy 1997-2000 Publication 86
Task Group 35: Interventional Radiology 1997-2000 Publication 85
Managing Patient Dose in Computed Tomography 1997-2000 Publication 87
Task Group 37: Radiation Quality Effects 1997-2003 Publication 92
Task Group 38: Cancer Risks at Low Doses 1997-2005 Publication 99
Task Group 39: Effects on the Embryo/Foetus 1997-2003 Publication 90
Release of Patients after Therapy with Unsealed Radionuclides 1999-2004 Publication 94
Framework for Assessing the Impact of Ionising Radiation on Non-human species 2000-2003 Publication 91
Task Group 46: Dose Reduction in Digital Radiography 2001-2004 Publication 93
Task Group 48: Optimisation in Radiological Protection 2001-2006 Publication 101
Task Group 53: Prevention of High-dose-rate Brachytherapy Accidents 2001-2005 Publication 97
Radiation Safety Aspects of Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer using Permanently Implanted Sources 2002-2005 Publication 98
Protecting People against Radiation Exposure in the Event of a Radiological Attack 2003-2005 Publication 96
RBE and Reference Animals and Plants 2003-2008 Publication 108
Managing Patient Dose in Multi-Detector Computed Tomography 2005-2007 Publication 102
Scope of Radiological Protection Control Measures 2005-2007 Publication 104
Radiological Protection in Medicine 2005-2007 Publication 105
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations 2005-2008 Publication 107
Task Group 36 (Radiopharmaceuticals)- Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals 2005-2008 Publication 106
Task Group 54: Radiological Protection Education and Training for Medical Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures for Healthcare Staff and Students 2005-2009 Publication 113
Task Group 59: Radiological protection of the public in the aftermath of security threats involving sources of radiation exposure. 2005-2009 Publication 111
Task Group 62: Radiological Protection for Cardiologists Performing Fluoroscopically Guided Procedures 2005-2013 Publication 117
Task Group 63: Tissue Reactions and Other Non-cancer Effects of Radiation 2005-2012 Publication 118
Task Group 64:Lung Cancer Risk from Alpha Emitters 2005-2010 Publication 115
Task Group 65: Emergency Exposure Situations 2006-2009 Publication 109
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Adult Reference Computational 2007-2009 Publication 110
Preventing Accidental Exposures from New External Beam Radiation Therapy Technologies 2007-2009 Publication 112
Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Task Dose Conversion Co-efficients for External Radiation 2007-2010 Publication 116
Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) -Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60 2007-2012 Publication 119
Radiation Protection in Cardiology 2008-2010 Publication 120
Task Group 67 Radiation Protection in Space 2009-2013 Publication 123
Task Group 71: Radiological Protection in Security Screening 2009-2014 Publication 125
Task Group 73: Transfer Factor Values for Estimating Exposures of Reference Animals and Plants in Environmental Modelling Contexts 2009 Publication 114
Protection of the Environment under Different Exposure Situations Joint Committee between Committees 4 and 5 2010-2014 Publication 124
Task Group 80: Geological Disposal of Long-Lived Solid Radioactive Waste

2010-2013 Publication 122
Task Group 81: Application of the Commission’s Recommendations to Radon Exposure 2010-2014 Publication 126

Task Group Membership

Environmental Monitoring

Evaluation of Radiation Risks

General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection

H. J. Dunster (Chairman)
• D. J. Beninson
• A. K. Ganguly
• C. A. Mawson
• G. Michon
• C. P. Straub
• E. G. Struxness
• R. Scott Russell (Chairman)
• R. Doll
• L. Eldjarn
• P.C Koller
• H.B. Newcombe
• A.C. Stevenson
• H.J. Dunster
• W. L. Russel
• H. J. Dunster (Chairman)
• G. Gowper
• K. Koren
• J. Pradel
• H .F. Schulte
• J. Vennart

Radiation Protection in Education and Training

Evaluation on Accidental and Emergency Exposures of Radiation Workers

Task Group on Reference Man

• E. Dale Trout (Chairman)
• E. E. Smith (Secretary)
• Dr. P. Recht (Chairman)
• G. A. Andrews
• J. A. Auxier
• M. Dousset
• K. P. Duncan
• D. J. Stevens
• E. Strambi
• N. Wald
• W. S. Snyder (Chairman)
• M. J. Cook
• E. S. Nasset
• L. R. Karhausen
• G. Parry Howells
• I. H. Tipton

Radiosensitivity and Spatial Distribution of Dose

Metabolism of Compounds of Plutonium and other Actinides

Radiosensitivity of the Tissues in Bone

• L. F. Lamerton (Chairman)
• G. W. Barendsen
• A. M. Brues
• G. W. Dolphin
• J. Mόller
• E. E. Smith
• J. Vaughan
• A. Lindenbaum (Chairman)
• J. Lafuma
• M. W. Rosenthal
• W. S. Snyder
• D. M. Taylor
• R. C. Thompson
• M. Izawa
• Y. Moskalev
• J. Vaughan
• J. F. Loutit (Chairman)
• A. M. Brues
• L. Marinelli
• F. W. Spiers
• J. M. Vaughan

Protection of the Patient in X-ray Diagnosis

Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources

Biological Effects of Inhaled Particles

• R. F. Brown (Chairman)
• J. Flatby
• J. M. Heslep
• T. Holm
• A. Laugier
• Z. M. Nooteboom-Beekman
• S. B. Osborn
• K. A. Rowley
• E. W. Webster
• P. Grande (Chairman)
• K. Becker (Vice-Chairman)
• B. E. Jones (Secretary)
• J. P. Kelley
• K. Koren
• C. B. Meinhold
• P. Pellerin
• R. H. Thomas
• W. J. Bair (Chairman)
• B. B. Boecker
• H. Cottier
• P. E. Morrow
• J. C. Nenot
• J. F. Park
• J. M. Thomas
• R. G. Thomas

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers

Alkaline Earth Metabolism in Adult Man

Data for Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources

• J. Vennart (Chairman)
• M. R. Ford (Chairperson)
• C. B. Meinhold (Chairman)
• G. Drexler
• J. P. Moroni
• J. H. Marshall (Chairman)
• J. Liniecki
• E. L. Lloyd
• G. Marmotti
• C. W. Mays
• J. Rundo
• H. A. Sissons
• W. S. Snyder
• P. Grande (Chairman 1967-1971)
• M. C. O’Riordan ( Chairman 1971-1972)
• K. Becker (Vice-Chairman 1967-1971)
• B. E. Jones (Secretary 1967-1971)
• J. P. Kelley (1967-1971)
• K. Koren (1967-1971)
• C. B. Meinhold (1967-1971)
• P. Pellerin (1967-1971)
• R. H. Thomas (1967-1971)
• M. J. Duggan (1971-1972)
• T. O. Marshall (1971-1972)
• E. E. Smith (1971-1972)

The RBE for High-LET Radiations with respect to Mutagenesis

Radiation Protection in Uranium and other Mines

Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal of Unsealed Radionuclides in Hospitals and Medical Research Establishments

• A. G. Searle (Chairman)
• F. J. De Serres
• G. J. Neary
• W. L. Russel
• H. H. Smith
• D. J. Beninson Chairman)
• A. J. Breslin
• D. A. Holaday
• J. Pradel
• R. Rock
• S. D. Simpson
• J. -O. Snihs
• K.J. Koren (Chairman)
• T. Ashton
• J. Chanteur
• H. T. Daw
• L. -E. Larsson
• T. Mahle
• W. Minder
• R. Oliver
• A. J. Solari
• D. J. Stevens

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Radionuclides Transformations Energy and Intensity of Emissions

Protection Against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources Used in Medicine

Protection of the Patient In Diagnostic Radiology

• W.S. Snyder (Chairman 1974-1977)
• M. R. Ford (Chairwoman 1977-1983)
• S. R. Bernard
• L. T. Dillman (1977-1983)
• K. F. Eckerman (1980-1983)
• J. W. Poston (1980-1983)
• S. B. Watson (1978-1983)
• L.-E. Larsson (Chairman)
• D. K. Bewley
• J. H. E. Carmichael
• J. Jankowski
• C. Lagergren
• P. A. J. Pellerin
• J. Villforth
• E. L. Saenger (Chairman)
• R. O. Gorson
• S. Koga
• A. K. Poznanski

Principle and methods of application of Optimization of Radiation Protection

Protection of the Patient in Nuclear Medicine

Protection of the Public in the Event of Major Radiation Accidents: Principles for Planning

• A. J. Gonzalez (Chairman)
• O. Ilari
• J. O. Snihs
• D. J. Beninson
• H. J. Dunster
• R. E. Baker
• M. J. Clark
• R. Coulon
• E. L. Saenger (Chairman)
• R. D. Ganatra
• H. D. Roedler
• K. Kristensen
• F. Soussaline
• M. M. Iio
• J. G. Kereiakes
• N. M. Maisey
• N. Veall
• B. C. Winkler (Chairman)
• R. H. Clarke
• D. W. Moeller
• J. C. Nenot

Non-stochastic Effects of Ionizing Radiation

Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population

The Metabolism of Plutonium and Related Elements

• A. C. Upton (Chairman)
• J. M. Brown
• G. W. Casarett
• S. B. Field
• T. A. Lincoln
• H. R. Withers
• G. A. M. Webb (Chairman)
• O. Ilari
• J. O. Snihs
• F. A. Fry
• R. M. Fry
• D. M. Taylor (Chairman)
• R. C. Thompson (Vice-Chairman)
• R. Masse
• Y. I. Moskalev
• H. Smith
• M. F. Sullivan

Lung Cancer Risk From Indoor Exposures To Radon Daughters

Protection of the Patient in Radiation Therapy

Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal

• W. Jacobi (Chairman)
• J. Lafuma
• G. E. Land
• H. G. Paretzke
• G. E. Sheline (Chairman)
• R. J. Berry
• G. Drexler
• J. Jankowski
• S. Koga
• L.-E. Larsson
• G. A. M. Webb (Chairman)
• A. J. Gonzalez
• J. O. Snihs
• Y. Sousselier
• D. A. Cool (1984-1985)
• P. Johnston (1984-1985)
• P. Zettwoog (1984-1985)

Radiation Protection of Workers in Mines

Developmental Effects of Irradiation on the Brain of the Embryo and Fetus

Optimisation and Decision Making in Radiological Protection

• H. Jammet (Chairman)
• R. M. Alexakhin
• R. Coulon
• R. E. Cunningham
• A. J. Gonzαlez
• O. Ilari
• E. Kunz
• J. Mehl
• D. W. Moeller
• R. V. Osborne
• J. O. Snihs
• S. D. Soman
• G. A. M. Webb
• L. X. Wei
• B. C. Winkler
• Y. Yoshizawa
• W. J. Schull (Chairman)
• J. Dobbing
• Y. Kameyama
• R. O’Rahilly
• P. Rakic
• G. Silini
• G. A. M. Webb (Chairman)
• A. B. Fleishman (1984-1986)
• J. Baum (1986-1989)
• A. Gonzαlez
• J. Lombard
• A. Oudiz
• B.C. Winkler

Task Group on Reference Man Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data for use in Radiological Protection

Individual Monitoring for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers

Data for Use in Protection Against External Radiation

• B.B. Boecker (Chairman 1999-2002)
• K. F. Eckerman (1991-2002)
• R. W. Leggett (1999-2002)
• X. Chen (1984-2002)
• J. D. Harrison (1991-2002)
• R. W. Leggett (1991-1999)
• G. V. Iyengar (1984-1999)
• F. M. Martin (1984-1999)
• M. Cristy (1984-1999)
• G. D. Kerr (1984-1999)
• G. Tanaka (1984-1999)
• C. R. Richmond (Chairman 1984-1991)
• A. L. Brooks (1984-1999)
• H. Kawamura (1984-1999)
• A. R. Reddy (1984-1999)
• M. C. Thorne (1984-1999)
• R. G. Cuddihy (1984-1999)
• M. Roy (1984-1999)
• D. R. White (1984-1999)
• G. D. Howells (1984-1999)
• O. Matsuoka (1984-1999)
• M. Stabin (1984-1999)
• E. Wright (1984-1999)
• L. R. Karhausen (1984-1999)
• D. Michelson (1984-1999)
• J. B. Stubbs (1984-1999)
• J. -C. Nenot (Chairman)
• R. H. Clarke
• F. A. Fry
• J. Piechowski
• J. O. Snihs
• Y. I. Moskalev
• D. M. Taylor
• X. Chen
• L. T. Dillman
• M. Cristy
• R. W. Leggett
• A. Kaul
• N. Paramentier
• R. H. Thomas
• R. H. Clarke
• O. Matsuoka
• W. J. Bair
• G. C. Butler
• G. W. Dolphin
• L. E. Feinendegen
• W. Jacobi
• J. Lafuma
• C. Mays
• P. E. Morrow
• P. V. Ramzaev
• W. S. Synder (1967-1977)
• R. C. Thompson
• B. Chr. Christensen
• M. Dousset
• M. Izawa
• J. Liniecki
• L. D. Marinelli
• W. G. Marley
• K. Z. Morgan
• J. Mόller
• V. Shamov
• C. G. Stewart
• W. S. Snyder
• S. R. Bernard
• L. T. Dillman
• J. W. Poston
• S. B. Watson
• A. Kaul
• C. W. Mays
• J. C. Nenot
• B. Nosslin
• C. R. Richmond
• N. Veall
• K. F. Eckerman
• M. C. O’Riordan (Chairman)
• G. Bengtsson
• P. J. Dimbylow
• G. Drexler
• T. D. Jones
• K. Katoh
• E. E. Kovalev
• E. Kunz
• W. M. Lowder
• M. Rosenstein
• G. R. Stevenson
• R. H. Thomas

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals

Joint Task Group with Task Group 19 on Radiopharmaceuticals

RBE for Deterministic Effects

Radiological Protection of the Worker in Medicine and Dentistry

• B. Nosslin (Chairman)
• K. Henrichs
• L. Johansson
• A. Kaul
• S. Mattsson
• H. D. Roedler
• T. Smith
• N. Veall
• G. W. Barendsen (Chairman)
• J. I. Fabrikant
• S. B. Field
• A. M. Kellerer
• J. W. Stather
• F. F. Hahn
• S. B. Curtis
• J. H. E. Carmichael (Chairman)
• R. J. Berry (1987-1989)
• J. J. Conway
• E. T. Henshaw
• J. Jankowski
• P. Pellerin
• G. E. Sheline
• D. Sowby (1987-1989)

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 1

Biological Basis for Dose Limitation in the Skin

Principles for Intervention for Protection of the Public in a Radiological Emergency

• A. Kaul (Chairman)
• J. C. Barton
• K. F. Eckerman
• J. Inaba
• H. Mιtivier
• J. W. Stather
• X. Chen
• D. Crawford-Brown
• M. Cristy
• L. Johansson
• R. Leggett
• D. Noίke
• C. R. Richmond
• H. D. Roedler
• D. M. Taylor
• T. Watabe
• R. J. M. Fry (Chairman)
• M. W. Charles
• T. F. Gesell
• J. W. Hopewell
• R. E. Shore
• H. Matsudaira
• D.P. Osanov
• R. J. Berry (Chairman)
• Y. O. Konstantinov
• L. G. Chamney
• G. Lemaire
• F. Fry
• A. Salo

Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 2

Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 3

Task Group 4(INDOS) -Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 4 Inhalation Dose Co-efficients

• A. Kaul (Chairman)
• J. Inaba
• D. Noίke
• J. C. Barton
• R. W. Leggett
• J. W. Stather
• K. F. Eckerman
• H. Mιtivier
• M. R. Bailey
• J. D. Harrison
• H. D. Roedler
• X. Chen
• L. Johansson
• M. Sikov
• D. Crawford-Brown
• G. M. Kendall
• D. M. Taylor
• M. Cristy
• C. R. Richmond
• T. Watabe
• A. Kaul (Chairman)
• J. Inaba
• D. Noίke
• J. C. Barton
• R. W. Leggett
• J. W. Stather
• K. F. Eckerman
• H. Mιtivier
• M. R. Bailey
• J. D. Harrison
• H. D. Roedler
• X. Chen
• L. Johansson
• M. Sikov
• D. Crawford-Brown
• G. M. Kendall
• D. M. Taylor
• M. Cristy
• C. R. Richmond
• T. Watabe
• J. W. Stather (Chairman)
• R. A. Guilmette
• H. Mιtivier
• M. R. Bailey
• J. D. Harrison
• D. Noίke
• A. Bouville
• J. Inaba
• M. Roy
• F. T. Cross
• R. W. Leggett
• D. M. Taylor
• K. F. Eckerman
• J. C. Barton
• F. A. Fry
• J. Piechowski
• P. -G. Beau
• O. Hoffman
• V. Repin
• X. Chen
• G. M. Kendall
• M. Sikov
• X. Chen
• N. Nelson
• M. Cristy
• D. Noίke
• M. Roy
• D. M. Taylor
• J. C. Barton
• P.-G. Beau
• X. Chen
• M. Cristy
• F. A. Fry
• O. Hoffman
• G. M. Kendall
• N. Nelson
• J. Piechowski
• V. Repin
• M. Sikov

Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) -Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 5 Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation Dose Coefficients

Doses to the Embryo and Fetus from Intakes of Radionuclides by the Mother

Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) -Doses to Infants from Ingestion of Radionuclides in Mothers’ Milk

• K. F. Eckerman (Chairman)
• V. Berkovski
• L. Bertelli
• M. Cristy
• G. M. Kendall
• R. W. Leggett
• I. A. Likhtarev
• D. Noίke
• A. W. Phillips
• T. Dillman
• K. Henrichs
• A. C. James
• L. Johansson
• A. R. Reddy
• J. W. Stather (Chairman)
• M. R. Bailey
• A. Bouville
• F. T. Cross
• K. F. Eckerman
• R. A. Guilmette
• J. D. Harrison
• J. Inaba
• R.W. Leggett
• H. Mιtivier
• J. W. Stather (Chairman)
• J. D. Harrison
• D. Noίke
• M. R. Bailey
• J. Inaba
• M.-L. Perrin
• A. Bouville
• R. Leggett
• M. Roy
• F. T. Cross
• J. L. Lipsztein
• D. M. Taylor
• R. A. Guilmette
• H. Mιtivier
• E. Ansoborlo
• M. Cristy
• N. S. Nelson
• A. Birchall
• F. A. Fry
• J. Piechowski
• J. C. Barton
• O. Hoffman
• V. Repin
• P. G. Beau
• G. M. Kendall
• P. Roth
• X. Chen
• Y. Nakamura
• M. Sikov
• J. W. Stather (Chairman)
• K. F. Eckerman (Chairman)
• H. Menzel
• A. W. Phipps
• V. Berkovski
• B. Siebert
• W. Bolch
• N. Petoussi-Henί
• M. Zankl
• N. Hertel
• R. A. Guilmette
• H. Mιtivier
• E. Ansoborlo
• J. D. Harrison
• D. Noίke
• M. R. Bailey
• N. Ishigure
• F. Paquet
• A. Bouville
• R. W. Leggett
• D. M. Taylor
• A. Birchall
• W. Kreyling
• A. Rannou
• X. –A. Chen
• D. Lee
• P. Roth
• F. A. Fry
• D. Newton
• T. J. Smith
• O. Hoffman
• M. –L. Perrin
• D. Whillans
• J. Inaba
• J. Piechowski
• H. Menzel

1990 Recommendations of the ICRP

Annual Limits on Intake of Radionuclides by Workers Based on the 1990 Recommendations

Protection from Potential Exposure: A Conceptual Framework

• D. Beninson (Chairman)
• H. Jammet
• W. K. Sinclair
• C. B. Meinhold
• J. Liniecki
• H. J. Dunster
• R. H. Clarke
• B. Lindell
• H. Smith
• C. B. Meinhold (Chairman)
• A. Bouville
• X. Chen
• G. Drexler
• K. F. Eckerman
• A. Kaul
• I. A. Likhtarev
• O. Matsuoka
• H. Mιtivier
• N. Parmentier
• C. R. Richmond
• J. W. Stather
• D. M. Taylor
• R. H. Thomas
• R. E. Cunningham (Chairman)
• A. Birkhofer
• D. A. Cool
• A. J. Gonzαlez
• L. Hφgberg
• B. C. Winkler

Protection Against Radon-222 at Home and at Work

Human Respiratory Tract Model for Radiological Protection

Dose Coefficients for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers

• R. H. Clarke (Chairman)
• H. J. Dunster
• W. Jacobi
• R. V. Osborne
• W. J. Bair (Chairman)
• A. C. James
• M. R. Bailey
• J. R. Johnson
• F. T. Cross
• R. Masse
• R. G. Cuddihy
• M. Roy
• P. Gehr
• W. Stahlhofen
• J. D. Brain
• O. Matsuoka
• P. Camner
• E. M. McDowell
• X. A. Chen
• P. E. Morrow
• K. F. Eckerman
• J. N. Stannard
• W. Jacobi
• D. L. Swift
• M. Lippmann
• J. W. Stather (Chairman)
• R. A. Guilmette
• H. Mιtivier
• M. R. Bailey
• J. D. Harrison
• D. Noίke
• A. Bouville
• J. Inaba
• M. Roy
• F. T. Cross
• R. W. Leggett
• D. M. Taylor
• K. F. Eckerman
• J. C. Barton
• F. A. Fry
• J. Piechowski
• P. -G. Beau
• F. O. Hoffman
• V. Repin
• X. Chen
• G. M. Kendall
• M. Sikov
• M. Cristy
• N. Nelson

Task Group 22: Genetic Susceptibility to Cancer

Task Group 23 on Reference Man -Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data for use in Radiological Protection: The Skeleton

Task Group 24: Multifactorial Genetic Disorders

• R. Cox (Chairman)
• C. F. Arlett
• C. E. Land
• E. J. Stanbridge
• K. Sankaranarayanan
• C. E. Land
• M. S. Sasaki
• M. Akiyama
• R. Chakraborty
• D. F. Easton
• A. Luz
• M. Mendelson
• J. J. Mulvihill
• A. Sarasin
• K. F. Eckerman (Chairman)
• J. D. Harrison
• G. D. Kerr
• X. Chen
• G. V. Iyengar
• F. M. Martin
• M. Cristy
• R. W. Leggett
• G. Tanaka
• K. Sankaranarayanan (Chairperson)
• E.A. Boerwinkle
• R. Chakraborty
• A. E. Czeizel
• C. Denniston
• N. Yasuda
• J. F. Crow
• W.J. Schull
• S. E. Humphries (1993-1994)
• G. Tusnady (1993-1995)
• G. Michaeletzky (1993-1995)

Task Group 27: Radiological Protection and Safety in Medicine

Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) - Conversion Coefficients for use in Radiological Protection against External Radiation

General Principles for the Radiation Protection of Workers

• C. Zuur (Chairman)
• F. Mettler
• P. Ortiz
• P. J. Roberts
• Y. Sasaki
• R. H. Thomas (Chairman)
• L. W. Brackenbush
• J. -L. Chartier
• M. J. Clark
• G. Dietze
• G. Drexler
• H. G. Menzel
• R. Griffith
• B. R. L. Siebert
• B. Grosswendt
• M. Zankl
• N. Petoussi-Hens
• J. -C. Nιnot (Chairman)
• R. Coates
• P. Hedemann Jensen
• C. J. Huyskens (1993-1994)

Protection from Potential Exposures: Application to Selected Radiation Sources

Task Group 36 (Radiopharmaceuticals)- Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals

Task Group 29: Radiological Protection Policy for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

• D. Beninson (Chairman)
• D. A. Cool
• R. Hock
• M. Hφfret
• R.G. McKinnon
• P. A. Rathbun
• J. Valentin
• M. P. Measures
• A. D. Wrixon
• S. Mattsson (Chairman)
• L. Johansson
• B. Nosslin
• T. Smith
• D. Taylor
• B. C. Winkler (Chairman)
• D. Beninson
• H. J. Dunster
• C. B. Meinhold

Radiation Protection Recommendations as Applied to the Disposal of Long Lived Solid Radioactive Waste

Task Group 30: Chronic Exposures

Task Group 31: Human Alimentary Tract

• A. Sugier (Chairperson)
• R. M. Duncan
• P. Carboneras
• M. Federline
• J. Cooper
• A. Niles
• A. J. Gonzαlez (Chairman)
• J. Cooper
• P. Hedemann-Jensen
• S. Przyborowski
• M. Savkin
• J.E. Till
• H. Mιtivier (Chairman)
• J. F. Bertholon
• J. D. Harrison
• J. H. Hendry
• R. W. Leggett (2001-2006
• D. R. Melo
• A. W. Phipps
• D. Noίke
• F. Paquet
• M. Simko
• R. G. Thomas (1997-2001)
• B. B. Boecker
• J. W. Stather
• K. F. Eckerman
• M. R. Bailey
• X.-A. Chen
• N. Griffiths
• O. W. Hoffman (1997-2001)
• C. S. Potten
• M. G. Stabin
• J. B. Stubbs
• S. Takahashi (1997-2001)

Task Group 33: Pregnant Patients and Medical Staff

Task Group 34: Prevention of Accidental Exposures to Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy

Task Group 35: Interventional Radiology

• F. A. Mettler, Jr.
• R. L. Brent
• C. Streffer
• L. Wagner
• M. Berry
• S.-Q . He
• T. Kusama
• P. Ortiz Lσpez (Chairman)
• A. Dutreix
• P. Andreo
• T. Landberg
• J.-M Cosset
• L. V. Pinillos-Ashton
• W. Yin
• C. Sharp (Chairman)
• E. Vaρo
• K. Faulkner
• M. Wucherer
• H. Nakamura
• J. Cardella
• M. Rosenstein
• J. Hopewell
• T. Shope
• M. Rehani
• B. Worgul

Managing Patient Dose in Computed Tomography

Task Group 37: Radiation Quality Effects

Task Group 38: Cancer Risks at Low Doses

• M. M. Rehani (Chairman)
• G. Bongartz
• S. J. Golding
• L. Gordon
• W. Kalender
• T. Murakami
• P. Shrimpton
• R. Albrecht
• K. Wei
• R. J. M. Fry (Chairman 1998-2001)
• A. M. Kellerer (Chairman 2001-2003)
• G.Dietze
• D.Goodhead
• W. K. Sinclair
• H. R. Withers
• A. A. Edwards
• M. Harms-Ringdahl
• P. Pihet
• C.E. Land (Chairman)
• P. A. Jeggo
• A. M. Kellerer
• J. B. Little
• D. A. Pierce
• R. L. Ullrich
• V. Beral
• E. S. Gilbert
• K. Mabuchi
• W. K. Sinclair
• Z. Tao

Task Group 39: Effects on the Embryo/ Foetus

Release of Patients after Therapy with Unsealed Radionuclides

Framework for Assessing the Impact of Ionising Radiation on Non-human species

• C. Streffer (Chairman)
• G. Konermann
• A. Meadows
• R. Shore
• P. Uma Devi
• L. -E. Holm
• K. Mabuchi
• J. Preston
• J. Stather
• H.R. Withers
• L. K. Harding (Chairman)
• J. -M. Cosset
• B. Westerholm
• A. Aarkrog
• S. Ebdon-Jackson
• D. Ash
• Y. Sasaki
• K. Endo
• A. Martinez
• K. Parthasarathy
• L. -E. Holm (Chairman)
• R. Alexakhin
• R. J. Pentreath
• P. Strand
• K. Shrader-Frechette
• P. -A. Thompson
• F. Brechignac
• D. Cancio
• S. Carroll
• M. E. Clark
• S. Domotor
• F. Fry
• K. Fujimoto
• N. Gentner
• G. Hunter
• A. Janssens
• C. -M Larsson
• I. Likhtarev
• C. Mothersill
• C. Robinson
• S. Sadasivan
• S. Saint-Pierre
• R. Saxιn
• A. Shpyth
• A. Sundell-Bergman

Task Group 46: Dose Reduction in Digital Radiography

Task Group 48: Optimisation in Radiological Protection

Task Group 53: Prevention of High-dose-rate Brachytherapy Accidents

• E.Vaρσ (Chairman)
• B. Geiger
• B. Archer
• R. Loose
• K. Faulkner
• B. Bergh
• R. Gagne
• M. Wucherer
• H.P. Busch
• M. Rosenstein
• J.M. Fernαndez
• C. Sharp
• J. E. Till (Chairman)
• J. R. Cooper
• A. C. McEwan
• D. Cancio
• T. Kosako
• C. Zuur
• M. E. Clark
• D. A. Cool
• K. Ulba
• L. Pinillos Ashton (Chairman)
• A. Martinez
• J.-M. Cosset
• V. Levin
• S. Nag
• M. Hiraoka
• P. Ortiz Lσpez
• W. Yin

Radiation Safety Aspects of Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer using Permanently Implanted Sources

Protecting People against Radiation Exposure in the Event of a Radiological Attack

RBE and Reference Animals and Plants

• J. –M. Cosset (Chairman)
• D. Ash
• M. Hiraoka
• T. McKenna
• L. Pinillos Ashton
• M. Zelefsky
• L. Dauer
• C. Perez
• J. C. Rosenwald
• W. Yin
• A. J. Gonzαlez (Chairman)
• L. -E. Holm
• A. Sugier
• R. H. Clarke
• F. A. Mettler, Jr.
• R. Cox
• C. Streffer
• C. Conklin
• J. Wheatley
• D. A. Cool
• M. Crick
• L-E. Holm (Chairman)
• N. Gentner
• M. E. Clark
• C-M. Larsson
• R. J. Pentreath
• R. Alexakhin
• J. Loy
• P. Strand
• F. Brechignac
• G. Prφhl
• A. Tsela
• S. Carrol
• C. Robinson
• D. S. Woodhead
• K. Fujimoto
• A. Shpyth
• Y. Xuan

Managing Patient Dose in Multi-Detector Computed Tomography

Scope of Radiological Protection Control Measures

Radiological Protection in Medicine

• M. M. Rehani (Chairman)
• M. Kalra
• C. McCollough
• H. D. Nagel
• L. Collins
• W. Kalender
• A. J. Gonzαlez
• G. C. Mason
• R. H. Clarke
• A. D. Wrixon
• J. Cooper
• M. Rosenstein (Task Group Chair)
• E.Vaρσ
• C. Cousins
• J.-M. Cosset
• J. Liniecki
• L. V. Pinillos-Ashton
• C. Sharp
• I. Gusev
• P. Ortiz
• M. M. Rehani
• Y. Yonekura
• Y. Li
• S. Mattsson
• H. Ringertz

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations

Task Group 36 (Radiopharmaceuticals)- Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals

Task Group 54: Radiological Protection Education and Training for Medical Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures for Healthcare Staff and Students

• W. Bolch (Chairman)
• D. Noίke (Vice- Chairman Internal Dose)
• N. Petoussi-Henί (Vice- Chairman External Dose)
• V. Berkovski
• E. Blanchardon
• K. Eckerman
• A. Endo
• N. Hertel
• J. Hunt
• M. Pelliccioni
• M. Zankl
• L. Bertelli
• T.P. Fell
• J. G. Hunt
• L. Johansson
• R. W. Leggett
• I. A. Likhtarev
• G. Miller
• M. Stabin
• A. Ulanovsky
• G. Xu
• R. Richardson
• S. Mattsson (chairman)
• L. Johansson (Secretary)
• J. Liniecki
• D. Noίke
• D. Taylor
• M. Stabin
• S. Leide-Svegborn
• S.Carlsson
• K.Norrgren
• B.Nosslin
• S.Valind
• J. Liniecki (Chairman WP Annex E)
• J. Jankowski (WP Annex E)
• C. Martin (WP Annex E)
• S. Mattsson (WP Annex E)
• E.Vaρσ (Chairman)
• J. Liniecki
• M. Rosenstein
• M. M. Rehani
• C. J. Martin
• R. J. Vetter

Task Group 59: Radiological protection of the public in the aftermath of security threats involving sources of radiation exposure.

Task Group 62: Radiological Protection for Cardiologists Performing Fluoroscopically Guided Procedures

Task Group 63: :Tissue Reactions and Other Non-cancer Effects of Radiation

• J. Lochard (Chairman)
• I. Bogdevitch
• E. Gallego
• P. Hedemann-Jensen
• A. Nisbet
• A. McEwan
• A. Oudiz (2006-2007)
• T. Schneider
• P. Strand
• A. Janssens
• T. Lazo
• Z. Carr
• M. M. Rehani (Chairman)
• B. D. Giordano
• E. Vaρσ
• J. Persliden
• O. Ciraj-Bjelac
• D. L. Miller
• S. Walsh
• F. A. Stewart (Chairman)
• M. Hauer-Jensen
• N. J. Kleiman
• A. V. Akleyev
• J. H. Hendry
• T. J. MacVittie
• B. M. Aleman
• A. B. Edgar
• K. Mabuchi
• C. R. Muirhead
• R. E. Shore
• W. H. Wallace

Task Group 64:Lung Cancer Risk from Alpha Emitters

Task Group 65: Emergency Exposure Situations

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Adult Reference Computational

• M. Tirmarche (Chairman)
• M. Blettner
• E. Blanchardon
• E. Ellis
• J.D. Harrison
• D. Laurier
• J. F. Lecomte
• J. W. Marsh
• F. Paquet
• N. Shilnikova
• M. Sokolnikov
• W. Weiss (Chairman)
• J. Fairobent
• M. Morrey
• O. Pavlovsky
• D. Queniart
• E. Buglova
• T. Lazo
• I. Robinson
• M. Zankl (Chairperson)
• W. E. Bolch
• K. F. Eckermam
• H. G. Menzel
• N. Petoussi-Henss

Preventing Accidental Exposures from New External Beam Radiation Therapy Technologies

Task Group 21 (DOCAL) -Task Dose Conversion Co-efficients for External Radiation

Task Group 4(INDOS) and 21 (DOCAL) -Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60

• P. Ortiz Lσpez (Chairman)
• J. M. Cosset
• P. Dunscombe
• O. Holmberg
• J. C. Rosenwald
• L. Pinillos Ashton
• J. J. Vilargut Llanes
• S. Vatnitsky
• N. Petoussi-Henss (Chairperson)
• W. E. Bolch
• K. F. Eckerman
• A. Endo
• N. Hertel
• J. Hunt
• M. Pelliccioni
• H. Schlattl
• M. Zankl
• W. E. Bolch (Chairman)
• V. Berkovski (Chairman)
• L. Bertelli
• K. F. Eckerman
• A. Endo
• T. Fell
• N. E. Hertel
• J. G. S. Hunt
• N. Ishigure
• D. Nosske
• N. Petoussi-Henss
• M. Pelliccioni
• M. Zankl
• A. Birchall
• G. Gualdrini
• D. Jokisch
• C. Lee
• H. Schlattl
• M. Stabin
• R. Tanner
• X. G. Xu

Radiation Protection in Cardiology

Task Group 67 Radiation Protection in Space

Task Group 71: Radiological Protection in Security Screening

• C. Cousins (Co-Chair)
• D. L. Miller (Co-Chair)
• G. Bernardi
• M. M. Rehani
• P. Schofield
• E. Vaρσ
• B. Geiger
• P. Heintz
• R. Padovani
• K. -H. Sim
• A. J. Einstein
• G. Dietze (Chairman)
• D. T. Bartlett
• F. A. Cucinotta
• M. Pelliccioni
• V. Petrov
• G. Reitz
• T. Sato
• I. R. McAulay
• D. A. Cool
• J. Cooper
• X. Jia
• D. A. Cool (Chairman)
• E. Lazo
• A. Rannou
• M. Voytchev
• R. Czarwinski
• S. Niu
• G. Simeonov
• K. Kase
• M.R. Perez
• P. Tattersall

Task Group 73: Transfer Factor Values for Estimating Exposures of Reference Animals and Plants in Environmental Modelling Contexts

Protection of the Environment under Different Exposure Situations

Task Group 80: Geological Disposal of Long-Lived Solid Radioactive Waste

• P. Strand (Chairman)
• N. Beresford
• D. Copplestone
• J. Godoy
• L. Jianguo (from 2009)
• R. Saxιn (To 2009)
• T. Yankovich
• R. J. Pentreath (Chairman)
• J. Lochard (Vice-Chairman)
• D. A. Cool
• D. Copplestone
• C-M. Larsson
• J. Simmonds
• P. Strand
• M. Watanabe
• A. Janssens
• D. Oughton
• G. Prφhl
• E. Lazo
• I. Outola
• W. Weiss (Chairman)
• J-P. Minon
• H. Umeki
• C-M. Larsson
• S. Mobbs
• C. McKenney
• T. Schneider
• W. Hilden
• C. Pescatore
• M. Vesterlind

Task Group 81: Application of the Commission’s Recommendations to Radon Exposure

• J-F. Lecomte (Chairman)
• T. Jung
• C. Murith
• J. Takala
• S. Solomon
• S. Kiselev
• P. Strand
• W. Zhuo
• R. Czarwinski (2009-2012)
• A. Janssens
• B. Long
• S. Niu
• F. Shannoun
• T. Colgan (2012-2013)