ICRP Main Commission Meeting
1952 September 18 Uppsala, Sweden
Professor Sievert put forward a memorandum outlining some of the qualities of an organisation labeled
International Association for Radiological Protection. Some of the points mentioned were:
- Importance of covering all aspects of ionising radiation protection
- Internationally recognised dose limits and units
- International cooperation
- Expert information body
- Describing methods of accurately measuring dose
The Commission discussed this memorandum at length and came to several conclusions. It was agreed that ICRP should focus on all aspects of radiation protection (not just medical) and to describe radiation protection as a health matter and not public health.
Other decisions made by the Commission were as follows:
- It was decided that ICRP itself should aim to establish maximum dose,
- Fundamental data on radiation protection
- Dealing with methods for monitoring dose
- Deal with ionising radiation, not U.V
- Deal only with recommendations and not interfere with national freedom
It was decided that for the meanwhile, ICRP could continue to work with the International Congress of Radiology but seek to strengthen its influence by expanding the scope of its work, establish a permanent secretariat, and to increase source of funds through private donors.
The Secretary was directed to write to Chairmen of Sub-Committees III, IV, and VI with the intent to request expanding scope of research to industrial uses.