Annals of the ICRP is the authoritative source of recommendations and guidance of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). It is published by SAGE UK on behalf of ICRP.
Annals of the ICRP was established in 1977. Previously, ICRP issued its recommendations as individual books or as part of other publications. ICRP began numbering its publications in 1960, although ICRPs 1959 recommendations are now referred to as Publication 1. Before this time, the recommendations are generally referred to by the year in which they were issued.
Recommendations from 1928 to 1937 were issued by the International X-Ray and Radium Protection Committee or Commission (IXRPC). No recommendations were issued from then until 1950, when the IXRPC was reconstituted as ICRP.
Thanks to the many supporters of the Free the Annals Initiative in 2018 as part of ICRPs 90th Anniversary celebrations, all issues of Annals of the ICRP, and the ICRP and IXRPC reports issued before this, are free to access other than the current and two most recent volumes.
Those who need access to the latest ICRP recommendations can subscribe to Annals of the ICRP or buy individual issues from SAGE. For those who prefer hardcopies, print-on-demand purchases are also available.
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Publication | Title |
ICRP Publication 157 | Ethics in Radiological Protection for Patients in Diagnosis and Treatment |
ICRP Publication 156 | Paediatric Mesh-type Reference Computational Phantoms |
ICRP Publication 155 | Specific Absorbed Fractions for Reference Paediatric Individuals |
ICRP Publication 154 | Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiology Techniques for Medical Imaging |
ICRU Report 95 (joint with ICRP) | Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure |
Source | Title |
Journal of the Health Physics Society 12(2) 1966 | Deposition and Retention Models for Internal Dosimetry of the Human Respiratory Tract (ICRP Task Group on Lung Dynamics |
Journal of the Health Physics Society 12(2) 1966 | Radiobiological Aspects of the Supersonic Transport (ICRP Task Group on the Biological Effects of High Energy Radiations) |
Journal of the Health Physics Society 12(2) 1966 | The Evaluation of Risks from Radiation (ICRP Committee I) |
Statement | Published in |
Statement from the 2011 Seoul meeting | • ICRP website • ICRP Publication 118 (p.p. 11-12) |
Statement from the 2009 Porto meeting | • ICRP website • ICRP Publication 115 (p.p. 61-64) |
Statement from the 1989 Paris Meeting | • ICRP Publication 55 (p.p. i-iii) |
Statement from the 1987 Como Meeting | • ICRP Publication 52 (p.p. i-v)-At end of book • Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 1987, Vol. 7, No. 4, p.p. 189-192 • Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1988, Vol. 33, No. 1, p.p. 165-169 |
Statement from the 1987 Washington Meeting | • ICRP Publication 51 (p.p. i-iii)-At end of book • Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 1987, Vol.7, No.3, p.p. 136-137 • Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1987, Vol. 32, No.10, p.p. 1355-1357 |
Statement from the 1985 Paris Meeting | • ICRP Publication 26* (p.p. 79-80) • ICRP Publication 45 (p.p. i-ii) • Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 1985, Vol. 5, No. 2, p.p. 87-88 • Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1985, Vol. 30, No.8, p.p. 863-864 |
Statement from the 1984 Stockholm Meeting | • ICRP Publication 26* (p.p. 75-77) • ICRP Publication 40 (p.p. i-iii) • British Journal of Radiology, 1984 ,Vol. 57, No. 683, p.p. 1040-1041 • Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1984, Vol. 29, No. 11, p.p. 1441-1442 |
Statement from the 1983 Washington Meeting | • ICRP Publication 26* (p.p. 67-73), • ICRP Publication 39 (p.p. i-vii) • Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 1983, Vol. 3, No. 4, p.p. 32-36 • Corrigendum from Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 1984, Vol. 3, No. 4, p.p. 38 |
Statement and Recommendations on Radiological Protection from 1980 Brighton Meeting | • ICRP Publication 26* (p.p. 61-65) • ICRP Publication 30 Part 2-Very front of publication (page number not available) • British Journal of Radiology, 1980, Vol. 53, No. 632, p.p. 816-818 |
Statement From the 1978 Stockholm Meeting | • ICRP Publication 26* (p.p. 57-60) • ICRP Publication 28 -Very front of publication (page number not available) |
* There have been 5 versions of a printed copy of ICRP Publication 26, since the original issuance in 1977. Of these, the version cited above was printed in 1987 and contains all ICRP statements made prior to 1985.