ICRP Welcomes New Intern: Rob Shackelton


ICRP would like to welcome Rob Shackelton to the position of ICRP Intern.

Thanks to the kind support of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), ICRP has a full-time, fully funded intern position which allows the ICRP Scientific Secretariat to work more effectively, and also provides an excellent learning opportunity for the incumbents.

Rob is a university student in the CNSC’s co-op program, placed with the ICRP Scientific Secretariat for three months.

ICRP is financed primarily through voluntary contributions from organisations with an interest in radiological protection. The CNSC is one of several national and international organisations that provide annual financial support. ICRP also relies heavily on in-kind support including CNSC providing an office for the Scientific Secretariat located in Ottawa, Canada.