ICRP Revises Task Group 120 to include "nuclear detonations of limited size"


The ICRP Main Commission has revised the mandate of Task Group 120 Radiological Protection for Radiation Emergencies and Malicious Events to include radiological protection in the event of 'nuclear detonations of limited size', and is preparing related information for public information for release through the ICRP website. This is the first time that ICRP has explicitly addressed radiological protection related to the use of nuclear weapons.

This follows the ICRP Statement on the conflict in Ukraine released in May, and a more recent announcement in September to make ICRP Publication 146 Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident free to access amid concerns about military action around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the possibility of similar activity around other NPPs in Ukraine.