Interview with ICRP Scientific Secretary Featured in SRP Newsletter


Who do you work for?

International Commission on Radiological Protection.

Please describe your work in general and what you are currently working on.

I run the day-to-day business of ICRP. I’m always working on dozens of projects at once, including a wide variety of technical and administrative tasks. At the moment, my team and I are working on the follow-up to ICRP 2019, our 5th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection. Among other things, we are preparing materials for the website, including videos of all the presentations, and starting to work on the proceedings, which will be published in Annals of the ICRP.

One of the more exciting pieces of work is related to space exploration. I really enjoyed bringing together a team of experts from all space agencies with major human spaceflight activities, to work on the challenge of radiological protection for astronauts for missions to the Moon and Mars.

Christopher speaking at an ICRP symposium
What do you enjoy most about your job?

The chance to work with fantastic people in RP from all over the world, and the opportunity to see what’s going on in RP globally.

Can you recommend any information resources that have been useful for you in your work?

I’m constantly referring to ICRP publications of course, but that’s my job!  I like skimming SRP Weekly when I have a chance – it’s short and to the point, and I can get more detail via links if I want.

The rest of this interview can be found here.